A Worthy Commitment


I came out of school with a D as my highest GCSE and I was incapable of committing to even one year of college. At sixteen I went straight into an office administration role, but I only lasted a week! I picked myself up and tried again and landed a customer service role. This time six months went by, but then I was in the same situation, booted out for the better of the company! This pattern last for the years that followed.

I have dyslexia, ADHD and I’ve suffered with depression for a number of years. I can articulate and hold a good conversation so I don’t often come across like someone diagnosed with dyslexia, but I've always struggled to stay on task. I get distracted easily and time slips through my fingers. Writing is difficult and takes me a long time, and to concentrate on something is really hard work for me. These things, along with terrible time-keeping and a worse attitude, put a strain on me progressing in life.

When I was twenty-two I decided I was better suited to self-employment. I entered a modelling competition and for the first time I knew what I wanted. I moved to London to pursue it properly and through the jobs I received I met some incredible people, gained great experience and it was something I could pick up when I wanted. Unfortunately I just didn’t have the drive to push myself so I ended up returning to the office. After a year and a half I had had enough; I was tired and underpaid and I was also slipping into deeper depression.

I went to Bethan as a shell of my former self. For the first time in three years I was ready to listen to her. I had no idea if I could do it and I lacked self-belief, but I had nothing to lose. I wanted to learn and see if the business could do all the things it promised.

The more I worked the business and developed myself as a person, the more obvious it became that I had to make some serious life choices. In the space of a week I left my relationship, my home, a mortgage, the city, attended a funeral, and I helped my Nan through depression. Forever became a focus away from everything else, and I put all my efforts into helping, advising and guiding my team. My upline’s advice and dedication to me and my team kept me strong and excited, and I absolutely adore where my life is headed. I chose to believe the impossible was possible and now I’m proud to say I’ve found something I can, and will, commit to.

**The achievements expressed in this testimonial are the individual’s personal opinion and subjective experience. Individual results may vary. Forever makes no guarantees on income or success. Your success depends on your effort, commitment, skill, and leadership abilities, and how effectively you exercise those qualities. Please see Forever’s Income Disclosure Statement at foreverliving.com/income for more information.**
