Battle through the struggles
Emma and Tony
As a PA I worked long hours but the social aspect and responsibility was rewarding. However, during my time as a PA I was made redundant – twice! I decided to apply to study Music in Education at university but when I completed my degree all the creative jobs were cut in schools. I went back to admin work and set up a music tuition business which was fun and worked flexibly around our growing family, but I needed to explore ways of increasing our income. Swapping time for money limits your income, and when your clients cancel it can be deflating. Two months before joining Forever our lives were turned upside down. Sadly, we lost our baby girl and our financial situation had spiralled out of control. We were missing bill payments and my car was taken away; we couldn't see a way out.
My partner, Tony, was introduced to Forever by an old work colleague. He was really unhappy in his job, and although Forever wasn't originally for me, we went along to a meeting where we met with Debbie. We grasped the vision really quickly and got to work, making Supervisor in six weeks and Manager in seven months – just a few days before the birth of our baby boy! We were able to enjoy maternity leave with no financial stress and we even saved to spend a month in Australia. This was incredible and a well-deserved break since we had not seen my sister for five years and our children were able to meet each other for the first time. We were even able to expand our business in Australia while we were there! We have an amazing team who we work really closely with, and doing so has enabled us to achieve so much. The key is to have that belief and confidence to change not just your own life but also the lives of others, and to keep going no matter what challenges come your way.
**The achievements expressed in this testimonial are the individual’s personal opinion and subjective experience. Individual results may vary. Forever makes no guarantees on income or success. Your success depends on your effort, commitment, skill, and leadership abilities, and how effectively you exercise those qualities. Please see Forever’s Income Disclosure Statement at for more information.**