Recognised Manager // Liz Taylor

Sponsor // Esther Howe

From Carteron in Oxfordshire, 39-year-old mum of two Liz decided to join Forever last year. She has been mentored by her friend, Recognized Manager Esther Howe. This is her story…

Liz Taylor turned down the Forever Opportunity repeatedly for eight years. But in 2023, she took the plunge. And hasn’t looked back…

From Carteron in Oxfordshire, 39-year-old mum of two Liz decided to join Forever last year. She has been mentored by her friend, Recognized Manager Esther Howe. This is her story…

“Esther is one of my longest-standing friends. We met at Primary School when she moved to the area. I knew she was working her Forever business and, over several years as I navigated various career changes and challenges in my life, she would gently suggest that I take a look at how a Forever business might work for me. I always said ‘no’.

“My career path has been varied. I started in the Police, then moved into the NHS and, currently, am a Maternity Support Worker at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. It’s rewarding, but the hours are long, with twelve-and-a-half hour shifts that include nights. This – alongside being a mum of two boys aged 12 and 8 – means my life is extremely busy.

“In between this, I had my own weight management business. It was successful; I had developed an extensive network and enjoyed the autonomy of being in charge of my own schedule and running my own business. Then Covid hit and the 400-strong group I had grown diminished, the income fell away and I took the decision to return to a secure job, choosing the NHS two-and-a-half years ago.

“By 2023, I was really struggling with the long shifts and, as a friend, Esther knew this. So, when she again suggested I take a look at the Forever Business Opportunity – and because I had enjoyed the time freedom of being self-employed and the prospect of reducing my hours was appealing – this time, I said ‘YES’.

“Within 10 minutes of joining the Zoom call and Esther explaining the business, I knew I wanted to join. The company ethos, the products: it all resonated. I’d been gifted products by Esther over the years but had never taken a deep dive into using them or understanding them until now. 

“So, on my 10th Wedding Anniversary over dinner with my husband, I asked not very romantically, ‘what would you say if I was to start a business with an aim of making some additional income?’ My husband looked at me and said one word: ‘Esther?’ From that moment, I was onboard, after eight years of saying ‘no’.

“I was intending to take things slowly as I knew the pressures of time were against me and I really didn’t know how I was going to squeeze this business into my life. My sister and I laughed; we both know I had never taken anything slowly. So, here I am, six months in with a growing team, I have just achieved Manager and am making a supplementary monthly income that really makes a difference to our household.

“I’ve been to every event possible when I’m not working. Jayne Leach’s words rang in my ears – ‘businesses like speed’. And it’s true. The large network I have developed over the years has been helpful, I’m active on Facebook and am very comfortable when making calls and leaving voice messages.  

“I host a local market on Thursdays when I can, which is free to attend. It can be quiet, so I actively ‘put myself out there’, mingle and strike up conversations. My local Mayor is now a customer and a local coffee shop owner has joined the business. My team has also started recruiting. And this hard work has been paying off. We have cleared some of our debts, I’ve been able to reduce my working hours and, recently, enjoyed a family shopping trip; things that were unthinkable before.

“I am really excited about the future and where my Forever business will take me: both as a person and the impact it could have on our family. I have Esther to thank for persisting with me. Who knew that eight years of ‘no’ would contain the gift of a ‘yes’?”

Individual results may vary. Forever makes no guarantees on income or success. Your success depends on your effort, commitment, skill and leadership abilities - and how effectively you exercise those qualities. Please see Forever's Annual Income Disclosure Statement for more information.
