Shopping for opportunities


Bal started her Forever journey seven years ago after being approached in a shopping centre about the opportunity…

I remember coming home so excited but my then husband was sceptical - we had known friends that had done similar things but had suffered bad experiences.

At the time I was a lunchtime manager and teaching assistant in a local primary school. I had been in the job for over fourteen years. We were also helping run our family’s international distribution and furniture manufacturing businesses, while also being parents to our two daughters and son.

With life being so busy it just wasn’t the right time at that time, it wasn’t until seven months later we decided to attend our local business opportunity presentation. I was blown away with what I saw, especially from the potential income and incentives that were available. The part that sealed the deal for me was the amazing products.

At the time all I wanted to earn was an extra £200 a month. However, when I first started, I was so excited to be doing something different, especially after doing the same job for the past fourteen years, that my focus changed. We knew that we could achieve the Manager position and qualify for the incentives - I was motivated and excited to achieve our goal.

Within six months of joining Forever we were earning an income three times more than my school job and it enabled me to resign. This is something I never dreamed I would have been able to do, I had worked and trained hard for the profession I was about to leave. This opportunity has allowed me to work from home flexibly around our children.

I now run the business on my own and it is my full-time career. Over the past seven years I have achieved all my dreams and more. As a family we have travelled to some amazing countries thanks to Forever but most of all it has given me the financial freedom and a flexible lifestyle to spend quality time with my children. I absolutely love learning and growing, the personal development this business has given me is amazing. I also feel so excited and extremely proud to be working under the umbrella of this incredible company.

Achieving Chairman’s Bonus enabled me to become completely debt free and then go on to purchase my dream car. I have often wondered what life would be like if I hadn’t have gone shopping that day seven years ago.

**The achievements expressed in this testimonial are the individual’s personal opinion and subjective experience. Individual results may vary. Forever makes no guarantees on income or success. Your success depends on your effort, commitment, skill, and leadership abilities, and how effectively you exercise those qualities. Please see Forever’s Income Disclosure Statement at for more information.**
